Toronto has just recently welcomed Stackt, an innovative market and community space in the heart of its core. Located on Bathurst St at the foot of Front St (and a stone throw away from Fort York) the modular spaces showcase a number of both permanent and revolving boutiques.

Built entirely of containers stacked together and arranged with plenty of public space to go around, this unique concept blends event and retail spaces in order to provide visitors an experience that goes beyond just shopping. Showcasing a mixture of local vendors and artists Stackt drives out a cultural experience that is meant to be ever evolving. With each visit you may find a new vendor or two as pop-ups come and go.

Adding to the overall package is the fully packed calendar of events that take place throughout the months, be they drop in classes or performances there is always something to come do(or see) beyond merely shopping. In line with the rotating nature of the space, at the back you will find a food hall that houses an ever changing array of food venders.

The hall is also anchored by a truly unique mobile brewery courtesy of Belgian Moon. Adding all these elements together makes for a perfect spot to hit up on a nice sunny day. Come in to walk around, shop, take in a performance, enjoy a nice lunch and wash it all down with a beer or two.

Having seen similar concept designs in both London and Vegas I was thrilled when this was announced well over a year ago and couldn't wait to go check it out. While a number of stalls have yet to open, if what is already there is any indication it is sure to be a great summer spot to kill a few hours. We certainly need more interesting spots within the city that aims to create destinations and unique experiences for Torontonians!
